Monday, July 5, 2010

Crop Circles and God's Plan?

     Have you ever spent any time researching about “crop circles”? You know, those strange designs laid out in fields of grain seen in many parts of the world. I have. A few years ago I got on the internet and investigated a number of websites which featured lots of pictures and comments. My conclusion was “Hmmmmm.”

     After looking at numerous pictures of various designs, both from the air and from the ground, I had an “Aha!” moment. I realized that the folks who were viewing these crop circles only from the ground had no idea what the whole thing looked like; they could not view the actual design from their vantage point on the ground. All they could do was wander up and down the labyrinth of pathways that lay in front of them. They figured there was a design, but they could not see it.

     My “Aha!” had to do with the fact that in order to see the design of the crop circle, one had to view it from above, from an airplane or helicopter. This was the only way to get a full view. Isn’t this the same with the Divine Design of God’s purposes and plan? Of course it is. We must view this life not just from the “ground”, a part of the pathway in front of us, but from the grand view through the eyes of God.

    And, how are we able to view His Design and Plan? Well, of course, being born again is the first step since the indwelling Holy Spirit is our “Viewer” with which we see God and His Plan. Then, the Word of God spells it out for us. Gradually, through faith we begin to see the grand Design; we are able to view His Design from “above” , and we learn to fall in step with His Plan. What a different and superior perspective!

“God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus”—Ephesians 2:6
“Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look on the earth beneath”--Isaiah 51:6

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