Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The "Groaning" Honey Bee

Have you seen those SPCA ads on TV where you view all those abused, neglected and abandoned animals? How grisly and sad. They are the direct result of human evil and cruelty. But, there are other ways that the curse which emanated from Eden effects our world. I am speaking particularly about America and “Progress”.

We are beginning to see the effects of our “progress”—or arrogance—in a new way. In the April 12, 2010  issue of Time magazine there is an article entitled “The Perils of Plastic—chemicals in plastics and other products seem harmless, but mounting evidence links them to health problems—and Washington lacks the power to protect us”. The author notes that changes have been made to reduce air pollution and the water is cleaner. “But if the land is healing, Americans may be sickening. Since World War II, production of industrial chemicals has risen rapidly, and the U.S. generates or imports some 43 BILLION lbs of them per day, leaving Americans awash in a sea of synthetics.” (p.48)

As a source of disease, he notes that these plastics “may disrupt the delicate endocrine system, leading to developmental problems. A host of modern ills that have been rising unchecked for a generation—obesity, diabetes, autism, attention –deficit/hyperactivity disorder—could have chemical connections.” My comment: suspicions confirmed. As a diabetic I find this very interesting.

And the honey bee disappearance? Genetically modified foods may be a possible cause. Man is ignorant and arrogant. The more he tries to “progress” on his own, the more evident is the futility of his efforts. Now things are so complex and intertwined that it seems that there is no “fix” or solution.

Paul said in Romans 8:19-22 that the whole creation was subjected to “futility” and suffers because of Adam, the original lord over the earth who gave it over to satan by his disobedience. He, Eve and the whole creation came under a curse as a result. The Great Hope (promise of God) is that one day the creation will be delivered—along with man: “The creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now…” This is the final and complete solution!

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