Although Thanksgiving 2009 is history and we are rushing toward Christmas , I discovered yet another reason to be thankful . Background: I was born and raised in Yankee Land (I got here as fast as I could!), and was used to spectacular autumns with golden and red leaf displays that lit up the hills and valleys . Every year I get kind of misty during the Fall season. Sometimes we do have a scattering of colorful trees here in Texas, and it was on one such Fall day that I experienced a God-sent reminder of His wonder and love.
“Glum” is the word that best described my mood that day. I didn’t feel good physically, and mentally I was gloomy. Since it was garbage day, I wrapped my old chenille robe around me and proceeded to take out the garbage for collection. I walked down the steps by the side of the house, took the garbage to the curb, and then walked back up the steps and into the house without glancing in any direction. I then went into the den to check my emails. Within a minute or two at the computer I began to notice an unusual golden glow in the room. What in the world was causing such a glow? I went to the double window which faced the steps where I had just taken out the garbage and opened wide the mini-blinds. There, virtually staring at me, was my crepe myrtle tree completely covered with brilliant yellow leaves. They were so bright, in fact, that the reflection from the sunshine had actually caused my den to light up!
Suddenly, my gloom was lifted. It was replaced with amazement and rejoicing at the beauty of the scene. I thanked my Lord for this reminder that His glory is all around me if I will just look for it. I had not even noticed the tree when I took out the garbage. I was too busy looking down at the ground and too focussed on my glum mood to even see the glory that was there within a few feet of where I was walking. How, I thought, could I have walked by that glorious tree twice without even seeing it! This beautiful golden tree was God’s way of reminding me of the need to “look up” at His greater reality rather than looking downward and concentrating on my problems or circumstances. Hurray for God, His glory and His great Kingdom plan.
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” Psalm 19:1
What a sweet story Mary! Thanks for the reminder that God is in everything, everywhere. Once we get our eyes off of ourselves, our situation and negativity we see God all around us! Hallelujah! :)