Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Simplify: Back to Basic Christianity

For those who are interested in what The Ministry is and is not, I recommend the article at the end of my post. What he writes is definitely not the usual yada-yada. If you go to the link you can also read the discussion. I also recommend this man's ministry which I have followed for years. The following is a copy of my comment in the discussion of his article:
While in South Africa visiting my son and his wife who were administrators at an urban church there, I met and chatted with a black pastor affiliated with the church. The Holy Spirit communicated with me that I needed to listen carefully to what this man had to say. He never shared the circumstances of his salvation but apparently he did not receive much discipling at that time. He explained that after being saved he began to have a great concern for those in his community who were in need, including the many AIDS victims. At times he was almost overwhelmed by their needs and his desire to help them. In fact, he said, he began to think there was something “wrong” with him because of the strong urges in his heart. He spent many hours sharing Christ and giving whatever help he could.

Finally, someone from the church (mentioned above) visited his area and the pastor shared with this man his concerns for his community, and the anxiety he had that there was something wrong with him. After further instructing him in the Word, this man told him that he most likely had a pastor’s ministry and calling. Now, the pastor said, everything began to make sense and he understood how the Holy Spirit had been working in and through his life.
I have never forgotten my chat with this black pastor. Somehow I felt like I had met with a real New Testament “ministry”. Ministry expressed as the loving and concerned heart of Jesus--no titles, no financial perks or status among fellow ministers. As a member of a poor black community, if he was "known" at all, it was for his love and good works. He was in "full-time" ministry, but not like we usually define it.

My "word" for 2010 is "Simplify". And, in regards to everything Christian I really desire to clear the field, shovel back all the trash that has accumulated over the years and covered the treasure; to dig out and go back to the basics: Christianity 101. God has restored much to the Church of His Son, especially in the last 100 years. But, I remember what happened to Rebecca. Once she got a look at Isaac, she forgot all about the gifts Abraham had sent ahead for her--gold, silver, rich clothing! (Genesis 24:53,61-67) She only had eyes for her Bridegroom! The purpose of God's restoration is not so we could fall in love with the restoration or His gifts, but so we might fall in love with Him and then minister the gifts for others.
Article: The Ministry of One-Anothering by Chip Brogden

Friday, February 5, 2010


      I have never been in the mountains where you can shout and hear your voice echoing back to you. However, I have heard lots of echoes in my head, echoes from the past. Not necessarily a “picture” memory , i.e. a kind of a “visual echo.” Sometimes I think satan carries a special DVR under his arm and pulls it out periodically to get us off track. We may not have complete control over his recorder, but we do NOT have to react to these echoes. Being born again includes a direct WiFi connection with our Lord Jesus and His mind, anytime or anywhere. This is why Paul tells us to “renew” our minds, i.e. to consciously counter satan’s recorded messages with what the Word of God says about whatever it is that is echoing. When he turns up the volume and our minds, souls and bodies begin to react, we have to “turn up” the Word and look to the Holy Spirit.

     Sometimes we are not aware of what may trigger an echo. We just react. It is often difficult to see ourselves objectively. But I have a favorite verse that I frequently claim: "Therefore let us, as many as are mature, have this mind; and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal even this to you." (Philippians 3:15) What a great promise!

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..." (Romans 12:2)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


We Need Each Other
We are told in I Corinthians 13 that we know in part, see in part, and prophesy in part. This means no one has the whole picture, and if we are going to have the whole picture, we are going to have to put our part together with what others are seeing. We need each other. The Lord has composed His Body so that we all need each other. The more we are able to connect with other parts of His Body, the stronger we will be.

I know several relatively large movements that are likewise devoted to growing in prophetic ministries and gifts. Each one is very different from ours, but I think this is a good thing. They have been used by God to speak and give us invaluable prophetic revelation for our ministry. Their style may be different, and even the way they hear from the Lord is different, but it is still the Lord. 

We tend to attract those who are more prone to visions—those who see. Others may be more prone to hear words from the Lord, being more like ears. We hear as well, but we tend to be more visionary. Likewise, they see at times like we do, but still they tend to be more of those who hear.

When those who hear come around us I think our people start to hear better, and maybe they start to see a little more. We need to stir up the gifts in each other this way. We also need to be secure enough in who we are in Christ to be different from one another and still appreciate one another.

The Lord compared us to sheep for a reason—in many ways we are like sheep. One characteristic of sheep is that if flocks do not crossbreed with other flocks, they will get weaker with each successive generation. This happens to great movements and denominations that do not interchange with other parts of the Body of Christ.