Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tired of Winter?

     Grey skies, snowy ground, and bare trees: the view from my window. Below freezing temperatures; rolling electrical outages. Bleak scenario. Winter, who needs it? Still, winter in Dallas is better than one northern December I recall when the sun shined only one day out of the whole month. Always something to be grateful for.

     A poem came to mind this morning which gives perspective to the winter season. Especially when you know that the Christian authoress was confined to her bed from the age of 12 and then later became deaf also.

I am at home with winter.
I understand the thin
Determined trees, and all the calm,
Bare fields and I are kin.

I am at home with winter,
And I am glad to share
The dull gray days of waiting,
The cold, unfruitful air.

All hearts must master silence
Before they learn to sing,
Must be at home with winter
To be at home with spring.
                   --Jane Merchant

(from Think About These Things, Abingdon Press)