Angels--for Today
My angelic visitation
Angels are involved in my life and your life all of the time. Sometimes we are aware of their involvement, and sometimes we are not. But, we should expect angelic activity in our lives. That doesn’t mean we should seek them out or make weird efforts to contact them. As Daniel addressed God in his prayers, and not the archangels, so we should do likewise.
A few years ago when a number of distressing incidents had recently taken place in my life, my 30-year-old furnace decided to go on the fritz. I had attempted to start it for the first time that winter, and it was balking. My reaction? Blood-vessel-popping anger. Later, on reflection, I believed my anger was a “holy” kind of anger inspired by the Spirit of God. I grabbed a chair and set it in front of the door to the furnace area. I plunked down on it, began to pray, and was totally determined not to move from there until God had done something about the furnace problem! I was very serious. Within a few minutes a word came strongly into my mind: “Firefox”. In the next moment I almost jumped off the chair because I was suddenly aware of a “being” on my left side standing next to me. I didn’t see him with my natural eyes, but just knew that he was there. He emanated power and was as tall as the ceiling. The furnace promptly began to work properly.
As I processed all of this, I decided to go to my computer and Google “Firefox”. I learned two things from my search: there is a web browser named Firefox, and also a movie by that name. Clint Eastwood who starred in the movie was sent by the U.S. military to Russia to steal their secret plane that could fly undetected by radar and also could be controlled by the pilot’s thoughts (in Russian) with the aid of a special helmet. Since Eastwood was an experienced jet pilot and was fluent in Russian he was chosen for the job. Most of the film is about his efforts to get to the plane and then, finally, to steal it.
Guess what movie played on my TV the very next day? You got it: “Firefox.
Firefox, I believe, is the name of the angel who came to help me. His job was to steal the enemy’s weapons and undo what he had attempted to do to my furnace.
By the way, the furnace is still working.
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